Pantry Solutions - Office Pantry Services From Ireland's Largest Vending Company |
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Ireland’s Leading Pantry Services Provider

We are passionate about providing you with a wide range of fresh, healthy and market favourites for your staff.

What are Pantry Services?

Pantry Services are in-office vending solution offered to your staff in a cashless shop environment. BDS Vending Solutions can manage your whole pantry service and ensure that your all machines are always clean, working and merchandised with a range of market leading drinks and snacks including an extensive healthy product range.

A Pantry Solution in Your Organisation

We partner with your organisation and provide a full service pantry solution. We refresh your pantry offering as required, ensuring your staff are always satisfied and working to their full potential.

Give Your Team What They Need To Perform

No two offices are the same. Our pantry services are flexible and help you create the right look, feel and product offering for your team and office space. From drinks, snacks, healthy meals, vending racks, coolers and recycling bin solutions – we have it all. Not only that but we also rotate, clean and restock your new office pantry.

Boost Productivity & Encourage Collaboration

Realise the potential of your office breakout room as a space that encourages collaboration, boosts positivity and helps you retain key talent. Manage your talent strategy and benefits package with a fully merchandised workplace pantry, leading to happier and more productive staff.

Inspire Productivity & Innovation

Motivate your team with easy access to coffee, tea, snacks, water, energy drinks, juices, fresh food, yogurt and so much more — whatever they need — and watch them perform at their best. You’ll appreciate the pantry atmosphere and the freedom it gives your staff to stay energised throughout the day, fueling productivity, creativity, and innovation.

A Culture of Success

We know that retaining your top talent in the competitive world of recruiting is a priority for your organisation. You already know the importance of remaining competitive in today’s marketplace, so we partner with you to determine the best combination of perks and amenities to help you attract and retain the high-level talent you’re seeking.

Contact Our Sales Team

We are the market leader in Pantry Services in Ireland

Call us on 1850 623 000

Drop us a mail

Let us help you by filling in this short and easy pantry solution survey which will provide us with the necessary information to find the solution best suited to your needs.


We’ll get in touch with you to help you with your pantry needs.


There’s no commitment or costs in filling out our simple survey.

    What type of Pantry Service are you looking for?
    Tell us a little about the location

    How many people would be using the vending machines?

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    Pantry Services Providers To Some of The World’s Largest Companies

    Talk to our team to start your office pantry area